- 7 mag 2024 - 31 dic 2024
Tipologia di iscrizione | Medico Chirurgo (Ginecologia e ostetricia), Ostetrica/o |
Segreteria Scientifica | Prof. Tullio Ghi |
Segreteria organizzativa | CONGRESS PLANNING |
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We decided to join some of the top experts in the world to present and discuss the last updates on the obstetric art.
We envisage that the contents that will be delivered during this 2 days Meeting will contribute to increase among the attendants competence, awareness and enthusiasm in the clinical management of labor ward. Moreover the practical workshops before the Congress will give the opportunity to get familiar with some of the new skills of obstetrics such as the physiological interpretation of CTG, the use of intrapartum ultrasound and the Odon Assist, a forthcoming and harmless instrument to expedite the vaginal delivery of the fetal head.
*registration fees do not include secretarial fees of €5,00+22%VAT
Iscrizioni chiuse!
Le iscrizioni di questo congresso sono chiuse dal 31 December 2024