To access the CME platform and fill out the online survey:
- Login with the credentials received in the email to the CONGRESS PLANNING portal.
- Access the“CONGRESSES”session where “HISTORICAL” will be indicated and select the congress of interest
- Select DETAILS and click the “Fill in CME”button (the button is enabled only after successful Login)
The user is enabled to the CME platform only if:
- He/she has duly registered for the Congress through the website
- Attendance has been detected by badge reading on entry and exit
Instructions for the acquisition of credits
- Online completion of the learning and satisfaction questionnaires will be available within 72h after the close of the congress (dates are given in the appropriate CME session of each scientific program)
- It will only be possible to take the learning test 1 time
- The maximum number of errors allowed is 25% of the total number of questions
- Both the learning and satisfaction questionnaire must be completed
The system will confirm or not the success of the test, also sending the certificate of credit acquisition in case of a positive result.